Health & Safety
Sustainability /
Health & Safety
Health is by far our most valuable asset as human beings. We believe it should be treated likewise and at RB we prioritize (occupational) Health and Safety above everything. Guided by a solid declaration of RB management embodied in our HSEQ Policy we have integrated this philosophy throughout the organization in all operational procedures and activities.
Health and Safety are inseparable concepts. In our RB Zero Accident Vision, we have created a framework of best practice guidelines and initiatives for all people involved in operational processes. We consider it our flagship, leading the way for all Health and Safety related measures, learning sessions and Behavior Based Safety trainings. We created the RB Zero Accident Vision because we strongly belief that no accident should be considered a mere number or a simple statistic. There is always a colleague, a person, a family behind it. We can only accept zero accidents.
Due care is being taken while handling chemicals and minerals. Following our Product Analysis Procedure, all carried, stored and handled products are analyzed previously upon HSE criteria. SDS (Safety Data Sheet) provided by the consignor/manufacturer is the leading guide together with the expertise and knowledge our RB specialists provide.
Compliance with REACH/CLP (if applicable) is checked and last but not least we make sure all protective measures are taken before we even start. This is of extreme importance for the people working directly with these products such as warehouse operators, truck drivers and product transfer personnel.
Risk analysis and the mitigation of these risks are the only way to protect everybody’s interest in maintaining a safe and sustainable supply chain.
We encourage our employees to have a healthy lifestyle, through exercise and good nutritional habits. We organize on a regular basis webinars with nutritional experts providing employees tips and counseling to help them establish goals and make (small) steps towards these objectives. We believe that our, modest, role in this important issue is providing information and a helping hand when needed. Healthy people are happy people and happy people are pleasant to work with!
Safety and Health are a part of our DNA. In order to keep on moving in the right direction we have created the RB Zero Accident Vision. This vision is as a framework of all best practice guidelines and together with our Behavior Based Safety (BBS) program the foundation for success regarding HSE at RB. We are absolutely convinced that accidents are mostly inevitable if the right method is being applied. Accidents should never be interpreted as cold statistics for there is always a root cause and story behind that requires professional analysis. BBS shows us that through training, observations and motivation, people are able to make giant steps toward zero accidents.
Behavior Based Safety (BBS) is a key part of our training program. We have integrated BBS into all our operational activities such as warehouse operations, product transfers, (un)loading operations and truck driving. We dispose of in-house BBS master-drivers and coaches in order to observe and coach our people while they are performing their tasks. BBS has proven its value for RB over the last decades. Accident and damage rates have dropped drastically ever since.
BBS (Behavior Based Safety) is a process that creates a safety partnership between management and employees that continually focuses people’s attentions and actions on theirs, and others, daily safety behavior. BBS focuses on what people do, analyzes why they do it, and then applies a research-supported intervention strategy to improve what people do. To be successful a BBS program must include all employees, from the CEO to the front line workers. To achieve changes in behavior, a change in policy, procedures and/or systems most assuredly will also need some change. Those changes cannot be done without buy-in and support from all involved in making those decisions. BBS eliminates “assumptions” and foments safety by knowledge BBS is not based on assumptions, personal feelings, or common knowledge. To be successful, the BBS program must be based on scientific knowledge.
The way people acquire knowledge and competence is through training and practice. As Confucius said: “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand”. Meaning you can only interiorize what you have just learned if you get the chance to do it for yourself. New employees are trained by our in-house coaches in Behavior Based Safety, the use of PPE, specific procedures, company philosophy etc. but knowing that from day one they get the chance to start performing basic tasks for themselves with the supervision of their coach. This speeds up the apprehension process considerably and engraves the content in their memories. During the instruction period, we highlight that Safety is our absolute top priority. With the aid of a clear HSEQ policy statement from management and intensive coaching, we have achieved a clear focus on HSE inside our organization. RB Training plans are focused on required competences, specific needs of our customers and requirements of SQAS (Safety and Quality Assessment for Sustainability).
Our goal is to truly understand the specific needs within your supply chain strategy and provide a solution to improve and secure the continuous and uninterrupted supply of goods. Find more about us here: